4 Teen Sleep Tips from a Sleep Apnea Dentist
April 17, 2018As any parent will tell you, raising a teenager is hard work, but the one thing you can be certain about is that they need adequate sleep! Between school, friends, and their rapidly changing bodies, getting enough rest is absolutely essential to having a happy (or less irritable) and healthy teen. To help them get enough shut-eye, your sleep apnea dentist in Vero Beach is going to share a few simple tips you can start using tonight.
Take Time to Wind Down
Teenagers around the world are spending more and more hours of the day staring at screens, which continually bathes their brain in blue light. Research has shown that exposure to blue light can actually interrupt the production of melatonin in the body and lead to more sleep disturbances, so it’s best that your teen shut off ALL of their electronics about an hour before bed.
This may be a bit of an adjustment for some who are permanently glued to their phone, but after a few restful nights, it’ll just become a part of their normal bedtime ritual. During this down time, your teen can either read or listen to music, both of which have been shown to help a person fall asleep faster.
Make Their Room a Sleep Temple
In order for a person to fall and stay asleep easily, they need two primary things: darkness and quiet. Make sure your teen’s room is completely dark when the lights are off and that light from somewhere else can’t slip in. We suggest getting blackout curtains if your teen likes to sleep in on the weekends.
It’s also good to keep in mind if their room is near those that normally produce noise, such as the kitchen or living room. You may need to implement a “quiet hour” in your home where everything that makes noise needs to be shut off or muted so you don’t disturb those trying to sleep.
Limit Caffeine
If a teen isn’t getting enough sleep, they are likely to supplement their energy using sodas or energy drinks that are filled to the brim with caffeine. A coffee in the morning or a soda at lunch is alright, but anything with caffeine in it consumed after lunch can make your child feel wired and awake when they eventually try to sleep. Just let them know that there should be no caffeine after 12 PM. Limiting it this way will help increase their sleep quality, which in turn will make them crave caffeine less.
Talk to a Doctor
If your teen has persistent problems falling asleep, snores loudly every night, or constantly feels tired throughout the day, it’s a good idea to make an appointment with their doctor. If needed, their doctor will refer them to a certified sleep doctor for a sleep test to make sure they don’t have an underlying sleep disorder.
While a teenager is always a handful, a well-rested one is certainly easier to deal with! Just keep these tips in mind, and your child should have all the energy they need to pursue their goals and make your hair turn gray even faster!
About the Author
Dr. Kenneth Mogell is a sleep apnea dentist with over 30 years of experience serving Florida. At his practice, he helps patients overcome various sleep disorders by providing them with custom-made sleep apnea appliances in Vero Beach. If you’d like more tips to help your teen get the sleep they need or want to know if they should see a doctor, he can be contacted through his website.