How Sleep Apnea Treatment Can Help You Slim Down

May 12, 2019

If you want to shed excess body weight, you probably already know that a healthy diet and regular exercise are both important. But did you know that sleep is also hugely important? In fact, if you do not regularly get enough high-quality rest, you may find it increasingly difficulty to improve your fitness or even maintain your current weight. Let’s discuss the relationship between sleep and weight, as well as how sleep apnea treatment in Boca Raton may be the key to helping you win your battle with your bathroom scale.

How Sleep Affects Hormone Levels

There are essentially two hormones in your body that control your eating habits: leptin and ghrelin. Leptin tells your brain that you are full and that you do not need to eat. Ghrelin, on the other hand, sends the signal that you’re hungry.

Research has shown that an individual’s sleep habits can have a direct impact on their levels of leptin and ghrelin. People who regularly do not get enough sleep have lower levels of leptin and higher levels of ghrelin. Thus, they may struggle to resist food cravings and eat a healthy, balanced diet. Since obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is a major detriment to high-quality sleep, it could sabotage your efforts to achieve and maintain a healthy weight.

Sleep apnea treatment, such as an oral appliance or CPAP therapy in Boca Raton, could be the key to helping you regulate your hunger hormones. In one study, participants had normal levels of leptin and ghrelin after just eight weeks of using a CPAP machine.

How Much Will Sleep Apnea Treatment Help?

Sleep apnea treatment is not a miracle weight loss therapy. Many factors influence levels of leptin and ghrelin within the body. For example, obese individuals my not be as sensitive to leptin as are people who already have a healthy weight. It is also noteworthy that a person’s learned habits, emotional state, and exercise routine are all key influencers on weight.

Still, you may find that you enjoy more success in your dieting endeavors when you are well-rested. Not only might your hormone levels be normalized, but your mood may improve, and you could have more energy to exercise. A positive mood can help you avoid emotional eating, and exercise helps to boost your metabolism and promote the production of lean, calorie-consuming muscle throughout the body. Of course, to achieve the greatest results from your weight loss efforts, you should consult your doctor, who can help you put together a comprehensive plan that will help you reach your goals.

Sleep and weight are closely connected. If you have OSA or another sleep disorder, seeking treatment could help you shed some pounds and enjoy a lower risk of obesity-related health problems.

About the Author

Dr. Kenneth Mogell is a Diplomate of the American Board of Dental Sleep Medicine who has many years of experiencing in helping patients find relief from obstructive sleep apnea. If sleep problems are causing you to struggle with your weight, or you are facing other consequences of OSA, contact our team today to learn how Dr. Mogell may be able to help you.