Florida Dental Sleep Disorders Blog

What Happens if You Don’t Treat Sleep Apnea?

October 16, 2024

Concerned doctor looking at patient’s file

Sleep apnea is a disorder that causes repeated pauses in breathing during sleep. Without proper treatment, it can make you feel worn-out day after day! However, the consequences of not treating sleep apnea can go much further than that. It could affect your health, your emotional wellness, and more. What exactly might happen if you try to ignore your sleep apnea? This blog post explains.


Sleep Apnea Is on the Rise — Are You at Risk?

October 10, 2024

Exhausted woman sitting in her kitchen with a cup of coffee

In recent years, obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) has become increasingly common. In fact, according to one estimate published by the National Council on Aging, around 39 million U.S. adults have this condition! Sadly, though, many of those cases remain undiagnosed. Could you be at risk for OSA? In this blog post, we discuss risk factors and symptoms that you should be aware of. If you suspect you have OSA, you can protect your health by seeking treatment as soon as possible.


A Brief Introduction to the 4 Stages of Sleep

October 3, 2024

Mature couple sleeping in bed

Every time you fall asleep, you embark on a journey through four distinct stages of sleep. Each of them plays an important role in your overall health. What exactly happens during these stages, and why is it so important that you are able to get through all of them without interruption? How might sleep apnea affect your ability to benefit from your entire sleep cycle? This blog post provides some fascinating information.


Managing Sleep Apnea on Halloween: 4 Useful Tips

September 30, 2024

Close-up of a smiling jack-o-lantern

Sleep apnea makes it very difficult to get a good night’s rest, which is why you need to be careful about taking the right steps to keep it under control. This is especially important on Halloween, which is a time when it can be all too easy to make choices that end up having a negative impact on your slumber. Be sure to follow these 4 tips so that you can enjoy Halloween while also managing your sleep apnea.


Why Does My Oral Sleep Appliance Keep Falling Out?

September 15, 2024

Tired woman sitting up in bed

Nightguards and oral sleep appliances can be very helpful for sleep quality and overall health. Sadly, though, some patients encounter a big problem with their device — it keeps falling out! This can be a frustrating issue, but the good news is that it is usually fixable. This blog post talks about why your appliance might not stay in place and suggests steps you can take to start truly benefiting from it.


Struggling to Adjust to Your Oral Appliance? Try These Helpful Suggestions!

September 5, 2024

Oral appliance for sleep apnea pictured against white background

When you first received your oral appliance for sleep apnea, you may have been excited — and rightly so! It has the potential to help you finally start getting the rest you need to feel better and reduce your risk of some serious health problems. Unfortunately, though, you might have found that adjusting to your oral appliance is more challenging than you thought it would be. What can you do to get used to it and start enjoying its benefits? This blog post contains some helpful suggestions.


Keep Your Sleep Appliance Clean and Functional with These Easy Tips

August 31, 2024

Man in bathroom, preparing to wear his oral appliance

An oral sleep appliance can be an indispensable part of your daily routine. Not only can it help you to get enough rest, but it can also reduce your risk of numerous long-term health problems that are associated with obstructive sleep apnea. However, it can only perform well if you take good care of it. Here are some easy and simple tips for keeping your sleep appliance clean, functional, and safe:

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