Florida Dental Sleep Disorders Blog

Noisy Nights? Try These 10 Methods to Stop Snoring

July 24, 2024

Woman covering her ears while her husband snores

Does your partner frequently complain about your snoring? For the sake of their sleep and your relationship, it would be worth your time to investigate methods that could put an end to noisy nights! How can you stop snoring? Here are 10 suggestions that might be helpful:


Do You Have Questions About Sleep Apnea? Find Answers Here!

July 10, 2024

Man standing in front of chalkboard with question marks on it

Countless millions of people suffer from sleep apnea. However, this disorder is still not widely understood. Do you have questions about it? Your doctor or sleep dentist would be happy to help you find answers. In the meantime, you can gain valuable information by reading the list of FAQs in this blog post.


Why and How You Should Establish a Nightly Bedtime Routine

July 1, 2024

Woman wearing pajamas, holding toothbrush close to her mouth

When you were a small child, did your parents make you go to bed at the same time each night? You might have balked at such direction because you wanted to stay awake longer! The truth is, though, that a nightly bedtime routine is important for everyone, including adults who have been diagnosed with sleep apnea. Why is such a routine so valuable, and how can you establish one? This blog post explains.


Summertime Sleep Problems? Here’s What You Can Do

June 10, 2024

Man sleeping next to fan during hot summer weather

The warm weather and long days of summer can be energizing. However, as wonderful as summertime is, it does have a few downsides. For example, many people find that the quality and quantity of their sleep suffers during this time of year. This can be especially draining for individuals with sleep apnea. What can you do to achieve better rest over the next few months? This blog post provides some helpful tips.


So, You’ve Just Been Diagnosed with Sleep Apnea — What Next?

Man shrugging as he stands against neutral background

Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is associated with some serious health risks, so you might feel a bit disheartened if you have recently been diagnosed with it. However, there is reason for optimism! OSA is highly treatable, and most patients are able to achieve more restful nights and improved overall wellness. What can you expect after you receive your diagnosis? Here is an overview of the steps you can take to manage your condition:


What Should You Expect at Your Sleep Test?

June 1, 2024

Technician connecting patient to monitoring equipment for sleep test

Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is a dangerous disorder that should never be ignored or dismissed. If your doctor suspects that you have it, they may encourage you to undergo a sleep test. What happens during a sleep test, and what can you expect from the process? This blog post can prepare you for the road ahead.


How Can Sleep Apnea Affect Your Brain?

May 18, 2024

Sad elderly man sitting on sofa

Your brain is at the center of everything you are, everything you experience, and everything you do. It is one of the most complex and amazing objects known to modern science! However, it can also be easily harmed by a number of factors, including sleep apnea! Just how might sleep apnea affect your brain, and what can you do to protect yourself? This blog post explains some key information.

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