Get the 411 on Celebrities and Sleep Apnea
May 14, 2023
Do you like to keep up with news of your favorite athletes, TV personalities, and movie stars? In addition to staying informed about their latest projects and personal accomplishments, you might occasionally hear word that one is struggling with a health problem. For example, you might be aware that some famous people have been diagnosed with a sleep disorder. Are you ready for the 411 on celebrities and sleep apnea? Read this blog post.
What Is Sleep Apnea?
There are a couple types of sleep apnea. The more common variety, obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), occurs when tissues in the throat block the airway. This results in episodes called apneas, which are short periods when the individual is not breathing.
Apneas greatly disrupt a person’s sleep cycle and make it impossible for them to get the rejuvenating rest their body needs to function at its best. OSA is strongly associated with an increased risk of heart problems, dementia, unwanted weight gain, and other health conditions.
Which Celebrities Have Sleep Apnea?
A number of celebrities have openly shared their OSA diagnosis and spoken about their struggle with the condition. Here are a few examples:
Shaquille O’Neal
Known as one of the greatest basketball players of his generation, Shaq is, unfortunately, a victim of sleep apnea. In fact, his wife has said that he sometimes snores loudly enough to wake her up. She has also seen him stop breathing altogether.
Rosie O’Donnell
Famous for her memorable voice and personality, Rosie O’Donnell knows that OSA is nothing to take lightly. After an at-home sleep test, she received her diagnosis. Fortunately, treatment has helped her greatly. She even stated that she noticed a life-changing difference after just one night with her CPAP machine.
Amy Poehler
Comedian and actress Amy Poehler is a petite, thin woman. Since OSA is more common in larger individuals, it might come as a surprise that she struggles with it. The good news is that she is on a treatment plan. The bad news is that, like many patients, she struggles to use her CPAP machine regularly.
William Shatner
Known for portraying Captain Kirk in the original Star Trek series, William Shatner has captured the imaginations of multiple generations. Despite his increasing age and sleep apnea diagnosis, he is still thriving, in part because he complies with his OSA treatment plan.
Do any of your favorite celebs have OSA? If so, hopefully they are complying with their treatment so they can stick around and keep entertaining you for years to come.
Meet the Practice
Dr. Kenneth Mogell is an experienced sleep dentist who is proud to provide oral appliance therapy, a comfortable and convenient CPAP alternative. This treatment is not limited to the rich and famous, so if you have been diagnosed with OSA, it may be able to benefit you. To learn more, contact Dr. Mogell’s Melbourne office at 844-686-0696.